About Bristol
Bristol is a welcoming city, known for being a great place to live and for doing things a little bit differently. We have a ‘can-do’ attitude, try new things and work hard to maintain and grow one of the country’s strongest economies.
We’re the largest city in the south-west of England, covering an area of 110 square km. We are the 10th largest city in the UK and one of the 11 Core Cities.
We want our city to be a place of hope and aspiration where everyone can share in its success. Making Bristol a more inclusive city is at the heart of everything we do, because we want to make it better for everyone. With a population of nearly half a million, with at least 287 different ethnic groups, 185 different countries of birth with over 90 main languages spoken in the city, we are a diverse city, and we’re committed to harnessing the benefits of this.
We are evolving into one of Europe’s most distinctive destinations, welcoming millions of people each year for business, study, short breaks and visiting friends and family. Visitors enjoy the city’s unorthodox spirit and warm welcome.
Our Council
As a council, we provide hundreds of day-to-day services to support people who live or work in Bristol. We are a successful city with much to be proud of – Bristol often ranks as one of the happiest, most creative places to live for its wealth of culture, friendliness, and accessibility. However, like all cities, we have our challenges, the city’s success doesn’t reach everyone living here. There are long-standing social and economic inequalities, plus the challenge of a growing population and ecological and climate emergencies.
Like many other councils, we are facing significant financial challenge – reductions in funding, lost income and increased demand for vital services has resulted in a significant budget gap. We are currently transforming the council to become a more agile organisation focused on meeting the needs of the city’s communities in a consistent and sustainable way.
The council is larger than most of its counterparts and it is not always more efficient or effective. We need to consider what the right size, shape and scale is for the city’s future needs, streamline processes and target our limited resources to those most in need given the financial pressure we face.
We need to deliver quality public services while releasing the expertise and resources of empowered communities, individuals, community groups and city partners to help shape and deliver city priorities. This means we can help increase independence in a positive way which reduces the demand for our services.
Poltical makeup
Councillors make decisions on how to improve local services on behalf of local people. They serve for a four year term.
The people of Bristol are represented by one, two or three councillors for each of the city’s 34 wards. There are 70 councillors in total.
Our Services
The following core services are provided by the council:
Children and Education
- Children’s Commissioning
- Children and Families
- Education and Skills
Adults and Communities
- Adult Social Care
- Commissioning
- Communities and Public Health
Growth & Regeneration
- Economy of Place
- Management of Place,
- Property, Assets and Infrastructure
- Homes and Landlord Services
Provides internal support and enabling services including:
- Legal and Democratic Services
- Finance
- Workforce and Change
- Policy, Strategy and Digital
Our Leadership Team
Follow this link to view our Leadership Team.
The One City Plan
The One City Approach brings together a wide range of public, private, and third sector partners within Bristol. They share an aim to make Bristol a fair, healthy and sustainable city. The One City Plan describes where we want to be by 2050, and how city partners will work together.